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Human Resources Policy

Human Resources Policy

We are well aware that our employees are indispensable for achieving long-term business goals. Therefore, we make great efforts to develop a stronger corporate culture and human resources management approach, where we focus on our employees. We cannot stop being fair to our employees, creating a happy working environment that provides equal opportunities, communicating openly and benefiting from their creativity.


In order to recruit the right employee for the right job, we take care to ensure that candidates have the qualifications and competencies required by the job during the recruitment process, and we hire employees who are open to learning and aim for success by working with their teammates.

Education & Development

In order to do our job better by making the development continuous, we plan and implement trainings supported by different learning tools and covering all our employees.


With our most basic point of view, we believe that each of our employees has a talent that they can use in their own work. Our aim is to define the appropriate environment where they can realize their career goals, to bring our employees with potential to new positions by considering the principle of equal opportunity in appointments and promotions.


It is to evaluate our employees with a fair, objective, measurable system by partnering teams and individuals to these goals in order to realize the company's goals, and to help them achieve their goals while doing this.


In our efforts to create a stronger corporate culture, we believe that FAMILY as well as our employees are an important determinant of our success. Therefore, we also place our FAMILY in the focus of our human resources practices.

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